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Are you looking for a Landscape Designer in Leongatha Vic?

Are You Looking for a Landscape Designer in Leongatha Vic?

September 08, 20232 min read

At Green Touch Garden and Lawn Services, we think everyone should have a great outdoor space. Big yard or small, here's an easy guide to make it look awesome.


🌹 Start With a Vision

Every great garden starts with an idea. Think about your yard. What's its size? Is it sunny or shaded? These details help paint the picture of what’s possible.

Whether you want a play area for kids or a small garden corner, understanding your space is the first step.

🌹 Know Our Local Flavor

Here in Leongatha, we're blessed with a lovely climate. This means choosing plants that love our mild summers and cool winters.

Good news – we have a variety of local plants that don’t just look good, they're easy to care for too!

🌹 Plan It Out

Before we dig in, let's sketch a plan. Think about where you'd like your plants, a sitting area, or even a garden path.

By planning, we ensure every inch of your garden looks and feels just right.

🌹 Add a Special Touch

Every garden needs a star – a fountain, a beautiful bench, or even a bird feeder.

These unique touches make your garden truly yours.

And when night falls, a little lighting can make your garden glow.


🌹 Choose the Right Plants & Materials

Sarah of Green Touch Garden and Lawn Services has a rich collection of local plants that are perfect for Leongatha.

Plus, we offer sustainable materials like recycled wood or natural stones for pathways. These blend beautifully with the greenery and are great for our environment.

🌹 Let’s Go Green

A garden isn't just about looks; it's about care for our planet. We use eco-friendly methods that save water and protect local wildlife.

So, your garden isn't just pretty; it's also kind to nature.

🌹 Ask the Experts – That’s Us!

Designing can be tricky. But don’t worry, that's what we're here for!

If you ever feel stuck or need advice, our team at Green Touch Garden and Lawn Services is always ready to help.

Reach out today, and let's start gardening!


gardenlawnlandscapelandscape designgarden maintenancelawn mowingfertilizationweed controlplantsplantinggarden beds
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Green Touch Garden and Lawn Services

Green Touch Garden and Lawn Services specializes in transforming ordinary spaces into lush paradises with years of expertise. We offer a wide range of services from landscape design and construction to plant selection and garden makeovers.

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Are you looking for a Landscape Designer in Leongatha Vic?

Are You Looking for a Landscape Designer in Leongatha Vic?

September 08, 20232 min read

At Green Touch Garden and Lawn Services, we think everyone should have a great outdoor space. Big yard or small, here's an easy guide to make it look awesome.


🌹 Start With a Vision

Every great garden starts with an idea. Think about your yard. What's its size? Is it sunny or shaded? These details help paint the picture of what’s possible.

Whether you want a play area for kids or a small garden corner, understanding your space is the first step.

🌹 Know Our Local Flavor

Here in Leongatha, we're blessed with a lovely climate. This means choosing plants that love our mild summers and cool winters.

Good news – we have a variety of local plants that don’t just look good, they're easy to care for too!

🌹 Plan It Out

Before we dig in, let's sketch a plan. Think about where you'd like your plants, a sitting area, or even a garden path.

By planning, we ensure every inch of your garden looks and feels just right.

🌹 Add a Special Touch

Every garden needs a star – a fountain, a beautiful bench, or even a bird feeder.

These unique touches make your garden truly yours.

And when night falls, a little lighting can make your garden glow.


🌹 Choose the Right Plants & Materials

Sarah of Green Touch Garden and Lawn Services has a rich collection of local plants that are perfect for Leongatha.

Plus, we offer sustainable materials like recycled wood or natural stones for pathways. These blend beautifully with the greenery and are great for our environment.

🌹 Let’s Go Green

A garden isn't just about looks; it's about care for our planet. We use eco-friendly methods that save water and protect local wildlife.

So, your garden isn't just pretty; it's also kind to nature.

🌹 Ask the Experts – That’s Us!

Designing can be tricky. But don’t worry, that's what we're here for!

If you ever feel stuck or need advice, our team at Green Touch Garden and Lawn Services is always ready to help.

Reach out today, and let's start gardening!


gardenlawnlandscapelandscape designgarden maintenancelawn mowingfertilizationweed controlplantsplantinggarden beds
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Green Touch Garden and Lawn Services

Green Touch Garden and Lawn Services specializes in transforming ordinary spaces into lush paradises with years of expertise. We offer a wide range of services from landscape design and construction to plant selection and garden makeovers.

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Mon – Sat 7:30am – 5:30pm

Sunday – CLOSED